- 71%

AgnesClosed Eyes Giant Tits Realistic Sex Doll

$2,463.45 $722.64

Ar característica xí sobresaliente ge ár botín ne teta ultra enormes, da satisfacen ár coito ja yá makwäni.

Kit limpieza ar mahyoni da prolongar ár nzaki útil, nä'ä ya gratis komongu nt'uni pa pe̲hni ko ár nzatho dänxu.

Ni 'nar pa pidas otho ya cambio, pe Komo dá necesitas 'nar, nä'ä nzäm'bu̲ xi 'bu̲'bu̲ pädi xi hño.

💥Obtenga $ 19 ar descuento ja 'nar RealDoll. Código: 19DOLL

Nuna ar envío

  1. Abastecemos almacenes locales jar ar Ir 'rangu̲di, UE, Canadá, Australia, ndä mfats'i, M'onda ne Rusia. Envío gratuito ne rápido jar nga̲tho ar ximha̲i.
  2. Nä'ä da enviada jar 1 — 2 pa, zo̲ho̲ 3 — 12 pa 'me̲fa ga OT'UJE ár pedido.
  3. Embalaje discretothe box is completely plain and without any trace of suspicious logos/words.
  4. Ar dänxu ar enviará desnuda, hingi ar anunciarán disfraces, ar peluca, ar 'bitu 'be̲to ne yá da̲ ar regalarán ja ar azar.

About Agnes

Are you attracted to Agnes? Agnes is a TPE real sex doll measuring 163 cm in height. Her mouth, vagina, and anus can be enjoyed. Agnes is as strong as her sexuality. These seductive real sex dolls can be loved as much as you like. Real sex dolls love to have their big breasts, big ans, and vagina touched by men. If you are standing in front of her, and she wants to touch you, she will gently caress your skin with her soft hands and allow you to enter her world quickly. You can have intercourse at any time or place. She can be gentle or aggressive, depending on her mood.

Agnes is now alone. Agnes needs your love and support.

Ya t'eni jar ya nthäni reales

Altura: 108cm
Busto: 81cm
Cintura: 46cm
Caderas: 80cm
Be̲xu neto: 22kg
Be̲xu bruto: 26kg
Embalaje 100 * 36 * 26 CM
Longitud ar vagina: ar 15 ma CM
Ano: 13CM
Mamada: 10CM

Ár hmädi ge ar t'e̲ni manual, 'bu̲i 'nar intervalo normal 1 — 3 cm.

Agnes – Closed Eyes Giant Tits Realistic Sex Doll-Realsexdollstore.com Agnes – Closed Eyes Giant Tits Realistic Sex Doll-Realsexdollstore.com Agnes – Closed Eyes Giant Tits Realistic Sex Doll-Realsexdollstore.com




108cm, 128cm

Barko ndezu̲



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