Ali poznate podrobnosti o seks lutkah?

Ali poznate podrobnosti o seks lutkah?

Real sex dolls are the same as real people, with realistic facial features, exquisite makeup, and the same skin color as real sex dolls. Sex dolls also have tight skin, soft bodies, and very good body proportions. The types of human sex dolls are: male sex dolls, female sex dolls, big breasted sex dolls, flat breasted sex dolls, small breasted sex dolls, big ass sex dolls, mini sex dolls, Asian sex dolls, European sex dolls and many other types.

When buying real sex dolls, it is necessary to distinguish between inflatable dolls and real sex dolls. The real sex dolls have metal skeletons in their bodies, and the metal skeletons can support the sex dolls to stand alone. Inflatable dolls cannot stand. Inflatable dolls are also difficult to have sex with.The sex dolls sold in the real sex doll store are all real sex dolls with metal skeletons, and the sex dolls can stand alone.

Sex doll makeup is semi-permanent, and you can modify it if you want.

There are many types of sex dolls. But they all have one feature in common, that is, the mouth, anus, and vagina are all available for you to use. You can use your mouth when you want a sex doll to give you oral sex. It is also possible to have sex with a sex doll in a different way, because it will not have any complaints.

Not only does the human sex doll support standing, the sex doll can also hold in any position to have sex with you.

The most important thing is that real sex dolls can also be heated to the same body temperature as real people. Sex dolls have the same body temperature as real people, allowing you to instantly increase orgasm when you have sex with sex dolls, making you more satisfied and real.

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Real sex dolls have the same height and weight as real people. Of course, the height can be chosen, because everyone’s hobbies and needs are different. The most common height of sex dolls, mini sex dolls are 68cm sex doll, 100cm sex doll, 110cm sex doll, 125cm sex doll, normal heights are 140cm sex doll, 145cm sex doll, 152cm sex doll, 158cm sex doll, 163cm sex doll, 168cm sex doll. You can buy sex dolls according to your preferences.

We have warehouses in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and more.

Check out the dolls in stock available at the real sex doll store for fast shipping. The purchase of sex dolls will randomly give gifts such as sexy underwear, wigs, heating rods, etc.


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