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Aby - Syntetísk karlkyns raunsæ kynlífsdúkka

$2.288,90 $912,90

You can have unimaginable pleasure with male sex dolls that have large penises.

There are three types of entertainment available: anal sex, oral sex and penile interaction. This is also great for single and gay friends.

The male sex doll’s body has a metal skeleton which allows it to be placed in any position.

💥Fáðu $19 afslátt af hvaða RealDoll sem er. Kóða: 19DOLL


  1. We stock local warehouses in the US, EU, Canada, Australia, UK, Mexico and Russia. Free and fast shipping worldwide.
  2. Hún verður send inn 1-2 dagar, kom eftir 3-12 daga eftir að pöntunin þín hefur verið lögð.
  3. Nægur umbúðir – kassinn er alveg látlaus og án nokkurra snefil af grunsamlegum lógóum/orðum.
  4. Dúkkan mun senda nakin, engir búningar auglýstir, hárkolla, nærföt og augu verða gefin af handahófi.

About Aby

Aby is a male sex doll measuring 163 cm. He still exercises with dumbbells at the gym. He is strong enough. People in the gym look at his eight-pack abs and envy him. In front of the mirror, he shows off his muscular body. You can’t help but say hello to Aby at this point. Surprisingly, Aby is also open to inviting you to join him for a workout. Would you accept his invitation to work out with him?

This 163 cm male doll is the perfect companion for lonely women. It is made of TPE and features a large cock and six-pack. This doll is one of the most beautiful male sex toys ever created.

163cm young male sex doll with lifelike breasts and abs.


  • Hæð: 140 cm
  • Up breast: 69cm
  • Lower breast: 65cm
  • Waist: 57cm
  • Hip: 75cm
  • Shoulder: 34cm
  • Arm: 39cm
  • Leg: 27cm
  • Foot: 15cm
  • Penis length: 18cm
  • Anus Depth: 15cm
  • Month Depth: 10cm
  • Net Weight: 29kg
  • Height: 163cm
  • Up breast: 79cm
  • Lower breast: 77cm
  • Waist: 68cm
  • Hip: 87cm
  • Shoulder: 38cm
  • Arm: 54cm
  • Leg: 49cm
  • Foot: 20cm
  • Penis length: 18cm
  • Anus Depth: 15cm
  • Month Depth: 10cm
  • Net Weight: 38kg

Gildið er handvirk mæling, venjulegt bil er 1-3cm.

male real doll9 2 male real doll6 2 male real doll8 2 male real doll10 1 male real doll11 1 male real doll7 2 male real doll14 male real doll13 male real doll3 2


140cm, 163cm

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Ástralía, ESB, Kanada, Rússland, Bretland, Bandaríkin


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