- 65%

Eleanore – Pupa sesswali ta’ nofs il-ġisem mingħajr ras

Il-pupi tas-sess reali tagħna jużaw elastomer termoplastiku ta 'kwalità għolja. Il-pupi huma kompletament pożabbli u jistgħu jitqiegħdu f'diversi pożizzjonijiet grazzi għall-iskeletru tal-metall artikolat tagħhom.

$308.00 $108.00

Informazzjoni dwar it-Tbaħħir

  1. Għandna mħażen f'Los Angeles, Vancouver, Sydney, ir-Repubblika Ċeka, Spanja, il-Belġju, u r-Russja, Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha.
  2. Hija se tiġi ttrasportata ġewwa 1-2 ijiem, wasal fi 3-12-il jum wara li titqiegħed l-ordni tiegħek.
  3. Ippakkjar diskret – il-kaxxa hija kompletament sempliċi u mingħajr ebda traċċa ta’ logos/kliem suspettużi.

Mgħaġġla Mogħtija

Satisfied & Refunded

Appoġġ tal-ogħla livell

Ħlas tas-Sigurtà

Dwar Torso

Half body sex doll is also known as sex torso, this half body sex doll has no head shape, you can freely match the doll with head shape or sexy underwear. The sex torso is small and can be carried around, which is much more convenient than full-body sex dolls. Half-length sex dolls can be reused

Half body sex doll without hea5 Half body sex doll without hea7 Half body sex doll without hea9 Half body sex doll without hea10Half body sex doll without hea8 Half body sex doll without hea4 Half body sex doll without hea3 Half body sex doll without hea1

Pupa sesswali

Height: 32 cm
Bust: 46cm
Waist: 32 cm
Hip: 47 cm

Height: 50 cm
Shoulder width: 20 cm
Bust: 55cm
Waist: 39 cm
Hip: 57 cm
Thigh length: 18cm

Height: 53 cm
Shoulder width: 24 cm
Bust: 63cm
Waist: 44 cm
Hip: 68 cm
Thigh length: 20cm

Height: 72cm
Shoulder width: 26cm
Bust: 82cm
Waist: 44cm
Hips: 77cm
Thigh length: 22cm

Full body height: 85cm
The width of the shoulders: 30cm
Bust: 93cm
Waist: 60cm
Hips: 89cm
Thigh length: 24cm

*The value is manual measurement, there is a normal interval of 1-3cm.


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