In Stock Dolls

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We stock a variety of brands in the USA and EU. WM dolls, YL dolls, SE dolls, Irontech dolls, and Starpery dolls.
We are always updating our stock of dolls. Every 2 months, 200 dolls are ready and shipped to the USA. Do you prefer dolls like WM172B, SE150E, or a combination of both? What features do you like (gel breasts and standing, light brown skin, etc.)? We would like to hear from you and have a different doll for everyone.
Gel breasts and EVO bones, movable shoulders, EVO knees, articulated hands, and standing feet + FedEx instant shipping are all free!
In stock in the USA, EU, and the UK. This collection is constantly changing, so keep an eye out! Although the dolls are not customizable, you can make them yours by changing their hair color and dressing them up at home.
All sex toys in our stock are produced in advance and shipped directly from the manufacturer to our warehouses in the US and EU. 100% genuine sex doll delivery is expected to take 5-7 working days. (For US and EU orders only)

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